New Mortgage Options: Second, Alternative, and Commercial Mortgages

senior couple discussing with mortgage broker over laptop in living room

I’m excited to share that I now offer second mortgages, alternative mortgages, and commercial mortgages tailored for the self-employed through Paul Hudson Mortgage Wealth’s Xeva Channel. Let’s dive into what these mortgages entail and how they might benefit you.

Mortgage Options Explained

Second Mortgages

A second mortgage lets you borrow against your home’s equity without refinancing your primary mortgage, ideal for significant expenses like home improvements or debt consolidation.

Alternative Mortgages

These are designed for those who don’t meet traditional lending criteria, such as self-employed individuals or those with non-traditional income sources, offering more flexibility than conventional loans.

Commercial Mortgages

Tailored for business purposes, these loans are essential for self-employed individuals or small business owners looking to purchase commercial property or expand their business.

When to Consider These Mortgages

Consider these options if:

  • You’re self-employed and need capital for your business.
  • You’re struggling to secure business funds from your bank.
  • Your new business doesn’t qualify for traditional bank financing.
  • You need a personal mortgage but face challenges due to self-employment.
  • You’re over 55 and exploring a reverse mortgage for retirement.
  • You have an unexpected large tax bill to manage.


Second, alternative, and commercial mortgages can be powerful tools for those with unique financial needs. They provide flexibility and access to capital not always available through traditional lending.

For more details, please book an appointment with Paul by clicking here.


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